About Us
Forest Dwellings
Farm Dwelling
Zone Changes
Special Projects

We have found that a great deal of property was mis-zoned in the original adoption of Comprehensive Plans. Intended to protect farm and forest uses it has been found that there may not be any true commercial potential to farm some lands or grow timber for profit. At first glance it may look like resource land but detailed analysis reveals that the land is generally not suited for resource management. We provide a full range of services for zone change applications. We partner with a number of other professionals  to evaluate farm and forest ratings, carrying capacity of the land to support your project, application of state goals and administrative rules. These types of applications require review and approval by local governmentcommissions and elected officials and usually require at least two public hearings. We provide expert testimony as was well as materials needed to support the application. This is not a simple nor quick process. To complete the entire process may take several years. In many cases such a change is needed to provide the highest and best use of your land.
